Sunday, 9 Feb 2025

6 Common Myths and Truths Regarding Alcohol and Drug Addiction

Even though there has been progress in the public’s knowledge of alcohol and drug addiction, many questions persist, particularly for people who have never dealt with a substance abuse problem. Although the media should shoulder some of the blame for this, it is also our duty to keep up with developments in drug and alcohol addiction research so that we may better assist individuals who are struggling with this illness.

Here are 6 common myths about drug and alcohol addiction and the realities behind them.

  1. Addiction Is a Choice.

Addiction is not a choice. Anyone can become addicted. To reduce addiction’s complex origins and effects to a single “decision” is to trivialize the disease. Drug and alcohol addiction is a condition that alters the brain’s chemical makeup. Addiction is a chronic medical illness that can be treated and is influenced by a person’s brain circuits, genes, environment, and life events. Once someone develops alcohol or drug addiction, they cannot stop using drugs without professional help. Addiction becomes the primary driving force in the addict’s life, and the individual will sacrifice anything for their habit. Furthermore, there is evidence that addiction has a hereditary component. Both heritable predisposition and external, unavoidable conditions have been linked to the onset of drug misuse. Research on addiction has shown that it has nothing to do with a person’s strength of character.

  1. Relapsing is a Sign of Failure

Relapsing is normal and expected during the recovery phase. Relapsing is not a sign of failure. Forty percent to sixty percent of persons who undergo treatment for substance misuse eventually relapse within a year, as reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

  1. Alcohol Addiction Is Far Less Severe Than Addiction to Other Drugs.

In the United States, alcoholic drinks are widely accepted and even praised. Many people drink as part of social activities, but this can be the beginning of a lifelong struggle with alcohol addiction. Alcohol is a drug and may be fatal if used in excess. Its social acceptance gives the false idea that it is safer than drugs like heroin or cocaine, but this is not the case.

  1. You Can’t Force Someone into An Alcohol or Drug Rehab; They Have to Seek Addiction Treatment Voluntarily.

Willingness in drug and alcohol addiction treatment is not necessary for its effectiveness. A person’s likelihood of benefiting from therapy is the same whether they undergo treatment because of pressure from loved ones, their workplace, or the law. Many formerly resistant addicts realize they want to change when they become sober and their minds clear.

  1. Individuals Need To “Hit Rock Bottom” Before They Can Begin the Recovery Process.

Addiction recovery can start at any stage, although sooner is preferable. Drug addiction is more difficult to treat the longer it persists. You ought to step in before the alcohol, or drug addiction ruins your loved ones.

  1. There’s No Use in Trying Again If Addiction Treatment Hasn’t Worked in The Past.

It is not true that therapy is ineffective because you have not been successful at maintaining sobriety after undergoing it. It only means that you are having feelings and doing things that are common for people in the process of recovering from addiction. According to NIDA, relapse occurs in 40-60% of those in recovery from addiction.

Just because you have attempted therapy before does not mean you should quit trying. Finding the proper institution in the United States might be challenging, as there are hundreds of options. Taylor Recovery Center in Houston, Texas, offers state-of-the-art addiction treatment. Reach out to Taylor Center and begin your journey to sobriety.