Thursday, 25 Apr 2024

Stages of Alcohol Recovery

  1. Pre-contemplation

A person in the precontemplation stage is aware of the consequences of their addiction but is uninterested in changing their ways. They’ll probably be defensive about their alcohol abuse, even denying that it’s out of their control. A major event, such as a legal issue or an intervention, may be necessary for someone to recognize that they have an alcohol use disorder. When a person acknowledges they may have an alcohol problem, they can go to the second stage.

  1. Contemplation

When a person enters Stage Two, they are considering changing at least some of their habits in the next six months. They’ll be assessing the benefits and drawbacks of quitting alcohol and may be more responsive to addiction knowledge than they were in Stage One. It’s very important for loved ones to be accessible for honest, non-judgmental chats during this time.

  1. Preparation

Stage Three is often regarded as the first true step toward recovery, as it is at this point that a person has made the decision to change. They could start this stage by removing themselves from undesirable habits in minor measures. During this phase, researching about alcohol recovery is very frequent and extremely useful. In fact, going into recovery without knowing what it entails can make it more difficult than necessary.

  1. Action

Stage Four is all about dedicating the body to recovery, just as Stage Three is all about committing the mind to healing. During this stage, a person is more inclined to seek help actively. Alcohol detoxification, or “detox,” is the first step to take. If someone is detoxing outside of a detox facility, they should have a family member or friend with them to keep an eye on them. If the person in detox begins to exhibit symptoms of delirium tremens, such as seizures, hallucinations, or disorientation, these individuals should be prepared to seek medical assistance.

  1. Maintenance

As therapy advances, the emphasis will shift away from learning about sobriety and toward daily practice of recovery practices and healthy coping mechanisms. In this stage of life, a person may discover freedoms in their new life that they may never have imagined possible. They’ll probably still be tempted to drink, but they’ll be focused on their objective. After all, alcohol rehab is about transforming your entire life, not just abstaining from a substance.

  1. Transcendence

This stage is often regarded as the last step on the road to recovery by many people. When you attain it, you’ll realize that your previous habits and way of life are no longer necessary. It’s possible that the anguish of alcohol abuse feels a long way from who you are right now. It takes different amounts of time for different people to reach this level, but it can only be done by staying committed to recovery every day. Continue forward, and one day you’ll be able to see how far you’ve progressed.

Worry No More!

The Skyward Treatment Center is here to assist you if you are battling with an alcohol use problem and want to start your journey to recovery. Contact us to learn more about programs that may be appropriate for you and to obtain the resources you require to live a better, alcohol-free life.