Wednesday, 22 Jan 2025

3 Common Types of Disaster Response Equipment

Being prepared for the possibility of disasters occurring, whether they be man-made or natural, can greatly improve response time and overall recovery after disasters. Here are three common types of disaster response equipment.

  1. Generators

Likely the most useful types of disaster tools and equipment are generators, particularly portable and mobile generators. Electricity is particularly vulnerable to the effects of disasters due to the relative vulnerability of power lines. Generators are alternative power sources for devices and appliances that cannot be easily battery-powered, such as HVAC systems. Portable generators are small enough to be carried around easily and mobile generators can quickly be taken to places that need them.

  1. External Batteries and Solar Chargers

Large and small devices and appliances alike require power to work long term. While a generator can successfully provide power to large systems, they’re unrealistic solutions for small devices such as smartphones. Rechargeable external batteries and solar-powered chargers and batteries are useful disaster preparedness equipment to ensure your small devices have access to power for long periods of time.

  1. Flashlights

Flashlights are important tools for first-responders and civilians alike during and after disasters. First-responders need safe, durable, inflammable sources of light that don’t require external power sources so they can do their jobs even in darkness. Civilians should have at least one flashlight so they have access to light without the risk of starting a fire in the event the power goes out. You can use a flashlight to help locate and turn on your alternative power sources or reset your fuse box or circuit breaker.

Your disaster response equipment should be based on the most likely disasters to happen in your area and the role you expect to play. If you’re any kind of first responder, for example, you’ll have professional response equipment, while civilians should have survival kits that include non-perishable food and first aid supplies.