Saturday, 14 Sep 2024

Understanding Wastewater Pollutants

Over time, the public has become increasingly aware of water pollutants and their ramifications. While many people are reasonably concerned about drinking water, it’s easy to overlook sewage contaminants and what they can do to oceans, lakes and the surrounding land. To keep wastewater clean before discharge, it helps to look at some of the most common types of wastewater pollutants.

Suspended Solids

A treatment plan’s sludge volume largely comes down to how many suspended solids are in the wastewater. These pollutants are especially common in storm sewage and industrial sewage. Thick water can greatly hamper wastewater treatment, so it’s important to use a system that keeps suspended solids down.

Organic Substances

One of the most essential factors of a treatment plan is the decomposition of organic substances. Microorganisms need a given amount of oxygen to break down these substances. The more organic material there is, the more oxygen the microorganisms need. Depleted oxygen can kill off different aquatic animals over time and disrupt the ecosystem. This especially becomes a problem when domestic sewage is combined with storm sewage.


Many sewage systems get clogged with fats, oils and grease (FOG) when they are left unchecked. Industrial facilities especially deal with this problem when they discharge stamping, matching and drawing oils. Because FOG is usually not water-soluble, it tends to cling to the sewage system instead of draining. FOG also tends to be odorous and difficult to manage after it collects. Looking at oil water separators North Carolina can help with many of these issues.

Ensuring that wastewater is properly treated is beneficial for the planet, as well as a person’s wallet if government regulations are enforced. Households, stores, restaurants and facilities can all take preventative measures to treat their sewage before discharge. With the right effort, this can lead to a cleaner planet and better living.